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Von Gahlen in Imaging Center

05-12-19, 10:52

We are proud that our solutions are part of the Amsterdam University Medical Center (Amsterdam UMC). This institute recently opened the highly anticipated Imaging Center: a global center-of-excellence in the field of biomedical imaging. It is the only place in the world where production, treatment and research are brought together in one center.

BV Cyclotron VU project

BV Cyclotron VU is an Amsterdam-based health science company that produces radiopharmaceuticals and radiochemicals for medical diagnostics and research. The company closely cooperates with Amsterdam UMC and installed four cyclotrons (particle accelerators) in bunkers in the basement of the Imaging Center. Von Gahlen delivered bunker doors to access — and safely close down — the shielded cyclotron bunker. Additionally, we built and installed four hot cell suites for Cyclotron. We specifically modified these hot cells by adding an assembly line for efficiently handling high volumes of short-life radiopharmaceuticals. 

GMP Hot cells for new tracers

Apart from our work for BV Cyclotron VU, we finalized a second big project for the radiopharmaceutical chemistry group of Amsterdam UMC in the Imaging Center. One in which we used our five development steps.

We developed tailor-made hot cells to produce special tracers under GMP conditions. With these hot cells new tracers are developed and tracers are connected to regular medicines to be able to determine how effective these medicines are. We are for sure very proud to be part of this project and congratulate Amsterdam UMC and BV Cyclotron VU with their new Imaging Center.

Behind the scenes

Here is a video that will give you a look into the Imaging Center and more explanations of the products we installed: 


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Hot cells made by Von Gahlen in Imaging Center