news from von

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Von Gahlen received subsidy for ‘Learning on the Fly’

06-12-19, 15:38

Together with Selmers and Groba we received a subsidy of €200.000 for our submission Learning on the Fly at MKB!dee*. We are very thankful for receiving this subsidy. Thanks to this subsidy we have the opportunity to develop a unique online learning platform. With this platform our employees can develop themselves personally and professionally. The construction of the platform starts January 2020.

Lifelong learning 

With the platform, all our knowledge and skills can be registered at one place. Besides that, we offer diverse online trainings on the platform. The trainings can be adjusted for every different employee. In this way, every employee can keep learning and keep developing himself in his own way. A lifelong learning is every important to us. 

Future proof

We will develop new trainings in time, suitable for various situations. In this way we keep our knowledge up to date. This makes us future proof.

Think smart, share knowledge. For sure.

*MKB!dee is a Dutch subsidy regulation that challenges entrepreneurs to develop smart ideas for lifelong learning and to be an attractive employer.

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